Sunday 23 June 2013

Scripture index for the 1962 MR, and some more useful links

The scripture index for the 1962 Missale Romanum is finished! (Hooray!) :-)

Please click here to view and download the PDF file (just under 1 Mb in size). Let me know if there are any glaring errors - there are bound to be at least a couple in 50 or so pages of indexes!


And some more sidebar updates:

A great article about the differences between the sanctoral cycles in the EF and OF. Some interesting (and, in my view, sensible) criticisms of the OF Lectionary, and some interesting suggestions for a development of the EF Lectionary in both the spirit of "mutual enrichment" and the call of Sacrosanctum Concilium 51. 
An interesting short study about Paul VI's record of consistent promotion of scripture in the life of the Church, specifically through the Mass and Divine Office. (Thanks to Dr. Kwasniewski for e-mailing me this link.)
I have had a cursory look at this book, and certainly as a history book it looks very useful. It goes into considerable detail about the contents of ancient lectionaries and related liturgical books, which is very helpful for research, and is also a great introduction to the lectionary's source materials if you don't know that much about them. 

(In general, is a good place to search for older, out-of-print books, and I found this very interesting book a couple of weeks back. Subsequently, I was lucky enough to find a hard-copy of this book on Amazon for £2.81 - e-books are great, but, for me at least, they can't replace paper and ink. It's just not the same reading a book on a screen! Also, this does now mean that Dom Baudot's book is on my list of books to review for this blog.)
A fellow British blogger does some sterling comparisons between and analysis of the OF and EF lectionaries. Not having access to Archbishop Bugnini's book The Reform of the Liturgy 1948-1975, those posts I found of particular interest. And it's a great blog generally!
I am cheating a little here: these exceptionally interesting articles deal with the Roman Missal rather than the Lectionary. But in the current absence of similar information regarding the Lectionary, I think it's instructive to find out what the principles and criteria for the Consilium's revision of the Missal were; I think similar considerations will have been at the forefront of the revision of the Lectionary. 

(And I hope to get hold of Prof. Pristas's new book soon (Collects of the Roman Missal) - it looks like it could be the most interesting book I read this year...!)

Sunday 16 June 2013

Quick update (and another welcome!)

Firstly, welcome to those who have come here from Rorate Caeli! I hope that you find this site both useful and interesting!

Secondly, the quick update: I have almost finished compiling the scriptural index for the chants and readings in the 1962 Missal. Later this week I will upload that, along with links to some more resources, papers and blogs. So, stay tuned!

Friday 24 May 2013

New useful Lectionary links

Some new additions to the sidebar:

See in particular Chapter 5, "The Readings of the Mass and the Calendar" (pp. 121-146), which is an interesting and well-reasoned critique of the Ordo Lectionum Missae

A good collection of Bible studies focused on the readings of the Ordinary Form Sunday cycles, organised Sunday by Sunday and available as PDFs.

This is no. 15 in a series of "position papers" aimed at stimulating debate on aspects of the Extraordinary Form. The other papers, on topics such as Latin, the prefaces of the Missal, reception of Holy Communion, etc., can be found here. I find it to be an excellent series, often raising points that deserve more attention in parishes. Thanks to Dr. Joseph Shaw of the Latin Mass Society for the link.


Please leave a comment or e-mail me through my profile page ("About Me" in the sidebar) if you have any suggestions for links!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Scripture in the 1962 Missale Romanum (EF)

There's a lot that can be said about the differences between the EF and OF lectionaries. There's also a lot of debate about which is "better" and why. To aid this area of discussion, I have compiled some tables of the chants and readings in the EF.

Please click here to view the PDF. To download it after clicking to view, you can use the "Direct Download" option in the Dropbox bar. It's about 750Kb in size, and 24 pages long.

The main source for these tables is the lovely Baronius Press 1962 Missal.

My next step is to get some statistics together, similar to those on Fr Felix Just's Lectionary pages, and also to take the data in the tables and index it in canonical order.

Please email me if you spot any glaring errors!


Welcome to another new Catholic blog! 

The purpose of this blog is twofold, at least to start off with. Firstly, I am currently creating various tables and resources to make my own Lectionary studies a little easier, and I'd like to share them with like-minded people in the hope that they find them useful. Secondly, I'll be posting links to other websites and blogs focused around the Lectionary, and I'll also be compiling a reading list of books I've found useful - maybe even the odd book review every now and then.

At the moment, this probably isn't going to be the sort of blog that gets updated every day. (I don't have the time for that sort of thing at the moment!) It might develop that way in the future - we shall see...!

I will be uploading my study aids and resources as they are finished, and I hope that people find them helpful and profitable for their own studies. Please let me know via email if you spot any mistakes or have any suggestions as to how they might be improved. Let me know about any websites, blogs or books that you find useful as well - if I agree then they'll get a link! ;-)

May God bless you all! 
